Jewett, L. 2024. Well-Researched References Fuel Knowledge Quest. Coin World, January p. 20 |
September, 2023. Expert Instruction (Testimonial).
The Numismatist, p. 78 |
ANA, 2020. Fey and Uram Receive this Year's Medal of Merit. The Numismatist. July 2020 p.65 |
Fey, M.S. 2020. Mysterious 1912 D Barber Half Dollar. Journal of the Barber Coin Collectors' Society. Vol 31. #2. Summer 2020 pp. 3-4. |
Fey, M.S. 2019. Discovery of a New 1877-CC Quarter Dollar Reverse Die. The Golbrecht Journal #136, p31. |
2019. Fey, M.S. Discovery of a New 1877 CC Quarter Reverse. The Golbrecht Journal, Summer 2019, Issue 135 |
2019. Fey, M.S. Discovery of an 1892 Barber Quarter with Die Break on the Reverse. Journal of the BARBER COIN COLLECTORS' SOCIETY, Volume 30, Number 2, Summer 2019. P. 25 |
Fey, M.S. 2016. How to Make Money with Coins. Presented to the Hackettstown Coin Club, Hackettstown, NJ |
Roberts, J. 2016. VAM 2A 1922-D Dollar. Coin World January 25th, 2016 p. 8. |
Anonymous. 2015. Zerbe Proof Found. Numismatic News p1, 20. |
Anonymous: 2015. ANA Museum News. Educational Value. Coin Uncovered at ANA Summer Seminar is Authenticated as "Zerbe Proof". Numismatist. October, 2015. p 79. |
Roberts, John. 2015. 1878 Dollar, VAM 189. Coin World, July 17, 2015 p 10. |
Fey, M.S. 2014. Coin Crazy. FunTopics Vol. 59, No. 4, Winter, 2014 p51 |
Fey, M.S. 2014. Coin Crazy? FUNTopics Vol#59, No.3, p.51 |
Fey, Michael S. 2014. The Joy of Collecting. FUNTopics Vol #59, No. 2 Summer 2014 p. 48 |
Fey, M.S. 2014. One of the Best Weeks of Your Life. FUNTopics Vol 59, No.1 Spring, 2014. p 51. |
Fey, M.S. 2014. Find a Fortune in Silver Dollars. Presented to the Polish American Numismatic Society and the Windsor Coin Club on February 15, 2014 in Troy, MI. |
Numismatic News. January 11, 2014. Feldman Earns Nettleship Award. p. 27 |
Fey, M.S. 2013. Alchemy & Liquidity in Numismatics. FunTopics Vol.58, No 4. p.51 |
Fey, M.S. 2013. An Unusual Die Break on an 1892 Quarter. Journal of the Barber Coin Collecting Society Vol 24, # 3, p 5. |
Fey, M.S. 2013. Collecting and Investing in American Silver Eagles. FUNTopics Vol #58, No. 3. p.52 |
Fey, Michael S. 2013. Applying Common Sense and Experience to the "Pop" Reports. FunTopics Summer 2013 Vol #58, #2. p. 46 |
Bugert, B. 2013. Memories of the first 100 E-Gobrecht Issues. P.4 "Michael Fey was the first to suggest the idea for an electronic newsletter to LCC President John McClosky". |
Fey, Michael S. 2013. Undervalued Coins & Potential Sleepers. FUNTopics Vol. 58, No. 1, Spring 2013. P. 48 |
Fey, Michael S. 2012. How to Keep FUN in Collecting. Vaol 57, No. 3, Winter, 2012 p45 |
Fey, M.S. 2012. Numismatic Supply & Demand. FUN Topics Fall, 2012 p.45 |
Fey, M.S. 2012. Collecting Canadian Coins. Presented to the 4-Club NJ/PA Meeting. Hackettstown, NJ. |
Fey, M.S. and D. Bennett. 2012. A Possible 1893/2 Barber Quarter. Journal of the Barber Coin Collector Society. Vol. 23, #2 pp.6-9 |
Fey, M.S. 2012. Donate a Dollar to the ANA Today! FUNTopics. Vol 57, No. 2, Summer 2012 p.30 |
Anonymous. 2012. ANA Seeks Morgan dollars for Use in Summer Seminar Study: Michael Fey Spearheads program for dollars for hands-on learning. Coin World. May 21, 2012 |
Fey, M.S., 2012. Act Today...A Great Coin Deal! RCI e-News. April 19, 2012 to List and to National Silver Dollar Round Table Members. |
Anonymous, 2012. ANA Seeks Morgan $1s for Classes. Numismatic News, May 1, 2012 Vol 61, No. 17 p.1, p. 82 |
Fey, M.S., 2012. Donate a Silver Dollar to the ANA Today! SSDC Announcement April 10, 2012. |
Jake Sherlock, 2012. ANA Seeks Donations of Morgan Silver Dollars. Press Release April 4, 2012. |
Anonymous, 2012. Send Us Your Morgans! The Numismatist, April, 2012 p. 73. |
Fey, Michael S. 2012. Taking a New Look at an Old Silver Half Dollar. FUNTopics Vol. 57, No. 1. p 20. Spring, 2012 |
Fey, M.S. 2011. Taking A New Look at an Old Silver Dollar. FUNTopics, Winter 2011 p. 20 |
Fey, M.S. 2011. Collecting and Investing in Morgan Dollars. FunTopics Vol 56, #3, p. 20 |
Fey, M.S. 2011. A Widely Repunched 1893-S Barber Dime Mint Mark. Journal of the Barber Coin Collectors' Society. #3, Vol 22 pp. 6-7 |
Fey, M.S. 2011. How To Make a New Coin discovery. FUNTopics Vol. 52, No. 2, Summer 2011. p.20 |
Fey, Michael S. 2011. Collecting Indian Cents. Talk given at the Roxbury Coin Club, Sucasunna, NJ April 6, 2011. |
Numismatic News. March, 2011. Ginsberg Gets Service Medal. (Nettleship Awarded by Fey). March 22, 2011. |
Numismatic News. 2011. Key Error Certified (1893 S titled partial collars XF details). March 22, 2011 |
Gilkes, Paul. 2010. Morgan, Peace silver dollar collectors sure love their VAMs. Hundreds of varieties exist; others await discovery by astute searchers. Coin World November 8, 2010 pp. 72-74 |
Anonymous. 2010. Numismatic Ambassadors Named. Michael S. Fey, Ironia, NJ. Numismatic News, August 31, 2010 pp 36-37 |
Fey, Michael S. 2010. Welcome to the Revolution! Part 2. Fall, FUN Topics p.52 |
Fey, Michael S. 2010. Popular Varieties in Modern Series. Talk at the Roxbury Coin Club. Wenesday, August 4, 2010 at 7 PM |
Bennett, D and Fey, M.S. 2010. Imaging Software Aids in the Discovery of 1891 Seated Dime F-134 Variety. The E-Gobrecht Vol 6, Issue 4, April 2010 (Whole #63) |
Fey, M.S. 2010. An 1882-CC $5 Gold Piece with a Repunched Minmark? Curry's Chronicle. Spring, 2010 pp 55. |
Fey, M.S. 2009. A Possible 1909-O O/Inverted D Barber Dime. Journal of the Barber Coin Collectors' Society. Vol 20, Number 4 pp 6-7 |
Fey, M.S. and Jeff Oxman. 2009. 4th Edition Top 100 Morgan Dollar Varieties: The VAM Keys. 200 pp. Rare Coin Investments (RCI, Ironia, NJ. |
Fey, M.S. 2009. Fun with 1921 Dollars. Vol. 54, #3, Fall, 2009. Fun Topics |
Fey, M.S. 2009. The Evolution of Coin Grading. Vol 50, Fall, 2009. Top 100 Insights. RCI |
Fey, M.S. 2009. Join the Society of Silver Dollar Collectors (SSDC). Vol. 54, #4 Winter, 2009 Fun Topics |
Fey, Michael S. 2009. ANA Seminar First Rate. Coin World, August 3, 2009 |
Fey, MS. 2009. The Rarest GSA Morgan Dollar. Summer, 2009 Fun Topics P 52. |
Fey, M.S. 2009. Hard Times Collecting. Presented to the Roxbury Coin Club. April 1, 2009. |
Fey, M.S. 2009. Letter to the Editor: Acquired a signed US Liberty Seated Dimes by Kam Awash (Pedigree: Harold Flaerty). The Gobrecht Journal. #35 Issue #104 p 52. |
Fey, M.S. 2009. A Very Late Die State: Report of the 8th Known Example of the 1818 O0.104b Bust Half. John Reich Journal Vol. 19, Issue #3 March 2009 pp23-24 |
Fey, M.S. 2009. Fake "CC" Coins, Fake PCGS and NGC Holders, and the Collector Market. Curry's Chronicle. Spring, 2009 pp 20-22. |
Fey, M.S. 2009. Top 100 "Hard Times" Collecting. FUN Topics. Vol 54, No. 1, Spring, 2009. p. 54 |
Coin World. Fey Details Barber Quarter Variety Find. In Journal of the Barber Coin Collectors' Society. February 2, 2009. p 44 |
Fey, M.S. 2008. Up to My Neck in Alligator Eyes! FUN Topics Vol # 53, No. 4 Winter, 2008 p 57. |
Doyle, Al. 2008. Morgan Dollars Hot Topic at Gathering. Coin World, October 6, 2008. p.68 |
Fey, M.S. 2008. A Spectacular 1908-D Barber Quarter Repunched Date. Journal of the Barber Coin Collectors' Society. Vol 19. no. 3 pp.5-7 |
Anonymous. 2008. Fey Lists Smart Morgan Variety Buys. Numismatic News. 9-16-08 p47 |
Anonymous. 2008. Club Views Barber Variety at ANA. Numismatic News 9-16-08 p 38. |
Fey, M.S. 2008. Wild Eye Spikes. Fun Topics Vol. 53, No. 3, Fall, 2008 p.55 |
Parella, A. 2008. Proof 1938 Jefferson 5c Die Variety Hiding in Plain Site? Coin World. July 28, 2008. p. 154 |
Fey, Michael S. 2008. Rare VAM Morgan $1 Sells in Online Auction. Numismatic News. July 1, 2008. Vol 57, No 27. p 21 |
Fey, Michael S. 2008 Proof '38 Nickel with Serif Seen. Numismatic News. Huly 1, 2008 Vol 57; No 27 cover page & p. 62 |
Anonymous, 2008. Van Allen Pedigree Boosts Sales Prices. Coin World May 26, 2008 |
Numismatist. 2008. Van Allen Varieties: Impressive Collection of Silver Dollars to Cross Auction Block (via RCI). April. Vol 121 No# 4, p. 31 |
Coin World. 2008. Leroy Van Allen Coins Part of Two Auctions Scheduled for April (By RCI). April 14, 2008 p. 84 |
Coin World. 2008. Fey Finds Rare $1 Variety, Error at NNC. April 14, 2008 p. 127 |
Coin World. 2008. Fey Discovers Smithsonian Rarity. April 8, 2008 p.4 |
Fey, Michael S. March 24, 2008. Fey Discovers 1878 8TF Partial Collar at Smithsonian. RCI Web, Hot Press. |
Fey, M.S. 2008. Peace Dollar Top 50 Takes Center Stage by Mike Faraone. Winter, 2008 Top 100 Insights. |
Fey, M.S. 2008. Another 1842 Seated Dollar with Rim Cuds. The Gobrecht Journal Vol 34, #101 p. 59 |
Fey, M.S. 2008. Half Dollar with Re-Engraved Denticles Acquired. The Gobrecht Journal Vol 34, #101 p. 27 |
Fey, Michael S. 2008. A Closer Look at the 1892 S/S Barber Quarter. Journal of the Barber Coin Collecting Society. Vol. 19, No 1. pp 6-8 |
Fey, M.S. 2007. Rare coin board will be framed, hung for viewing. P14. February 19, 2008 Numismatic News |
Fey, M.S. 2008. Find a Fortune in Silver Dollars. Talk Presented to the Sarasota Coin Club at the FUN Show, January 12, 2008 |
Fey, M.S. 2008. Find a Fortune in Silver Dollars. Talk Presented at the FLorida United Numismatists (FUN) Show, January 10, 2008 |
Fey, M.S. Insights into GSA Silver Dollars. Curry's Chronical. Quarterly Journal of the Carson City Coin Collectors of America. Winter 2007 pp 10-15 |
Fey, M.S. 2007. Clashed Morgan Dollars. Fun Topics, Vol 52, No 4. Winter, 2007. p. 59 |
Fey, M.S. Find a Fortune in Silver Dollars. Bay State Coin Show. Boston, Mass. December 1, 2007 |
Fey, M.S. 2007. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Coins. Presented November 18, 2007 to the Temple Shalom Brotherhood, Succasunna, NJ. |
Fey, M.S. 2007. How To Make a Fortune with Silver Dollars. Talk-October, 27, 2007. CoinFest Show, CT. |
Fey, M.S. 2007. The Future of U.S. Numismatics. Talk presented to the New Jersey Numismatic Society (NJNS) October 15th, 2007. |
Fey, M.S. Micro "o" Morgan Dollars. NSDR Journal Vol. XXV No. 2 Summer, 2007 pp. 14-15 |
Fey, Michael S. 2007. A Decade of Top 100 Insights. Fun Topics, Fall 2007. p 50 |
Fey, M.S. 2007. The Reiver 1840-O With drapery Large O Quarter. The Gobrecht Journal. Vol #33 Issue #99; pp 16-20 |
Fey, Michael S. Summer, 2007. Do You Really Know How Much Your Dollars Are Worth? FUN topics Volume 52, No. 2, p.50
Fey, Michael S. Spring, 2007. Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 7. Major Die Breaks/Die Gouges. National Silver Dollar Roundtable Journal Vol. XXV No. 1 |
Fey, Michael S. Spring, 2007. Do You Really Know How Much Your Dollars Are Worth? National Silver Dollar Roundtable Journal Vol. XXV No. 1 |
Fey, Michael S. Where is Coin Collecting Going? Presented to the Sussex County Coin Club. Sussex, NJ. May 14, 2007 |
Fey, Michael S. The Future of Coin Collecting. Presented at the Westchester County Coin Club Annual Banquet, May 3, 2007. Riverview Country Club. |
Fey, M.S. 2007. Describing Rarity in Numismatics. Gobrecht Journal Vol. 33, No. 98, March 2007. pp 14-15. |
Fey, Michael S. 2007. Neat and Interesting Morgan Dollar Carson City Varieties. Part 2 1900 o/cc. Fun-Topics 3, Spring 2007, pp54-55. |
Fey, M.S. 2007. Problem VAMs: for Better or Worse. Top 100 Insights #39 2-7-07. RCI, Ironia, NJ 07945. |
Fey, Michael S. 2007. Collecting Lincoln Cents for YNs and Adults. Roxbury Coin Club talk 2-7-07, Roxbury Library, Succasunna, NJ. |
Fey, M.S. 2006. Neat and Interesting Morgan Dollar "CC" Varieties. Part 2. Curry's Chronicle, Winter, 2006 pp.26-29 |
Fey, Michael S. 2006. Morgan Dollar Carson City Varieties. Part 1. Fun-Topics, Winter, 2006. pp54-56. Journal of the Carson City Coin Collectors Club of American |
Fey, Michael S. 2006. The Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 6. National Silver Dollar Roundtable Journal. Fall, 2006 p. 17 |
Fey, M.S. Fall, 2006 Top 100 Insights & Value Guide. Collecting 1878 S. Recent 1878 S Morgan Dollar Trades. Top 50 Peace Value Guide. Announcing VAMquest.com. RCI's 2nd Fall, 2006 Lightning Sale. |
Fey, M.S. 2006. ANA Governor Discovers Significant New Canadian Variety. The Canadian Numismatic Journal. Cover Photo. Vol 51. No. 8. October, 2006. pp 394-399. |
Fey, M.S. 2006. Top 10 of the Top 100. Part V. National Silver Dollar Roundtable Journal Vol XXIV No 2. p 10. Summer, 2006 |
Fey, M. Summer, 2006. Super Clashed Dies by Mark Kimpton M.D. Spring 2006 Ultra Rarity Auction Prices Realized. RCI's Lightning Sale #2. |
Fey, Michael S. Fall, 2006. Neat and Interesting Morgan Dollar Carson City Varieties. Part One. pp. 7-10. Curry's Chronicle. Journal of the Carson City Coin Collectors of America |
Fey M.S. Spring, 2006. The Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 10. Fun-Topics Fall Vol #52, No. 2, 2006 |
Fey M.S. Spring, 2006. The Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 9. Fun-Topics Winter Vol #51, No. 1, 2006 |
Fey, Michael S. July, 2006. A Business Strike 1876 Type 1.5 Trade Dollar. Gobrecht Journal. Volume 32, #6. |
Hans Niedermair. April 18th, 2006. "A over V" Variety Discovered (By Michael S. Fey) on 1874H 25-Cent Coin. Canadian Coin News Volume 43, Number 25 |
Fey, M.S. Spring, 2006. Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 4. National Silver Dollar Roundtable Journal Vol XXIV No. 1 |
Fey, Michael S., 2006. Fey Discovers New Canadian Variety. Numismatist. Volume 119, Number 5., p28. May, 2006 |
Fey, M.S. 2006. Mystery of the Ultra Rare 1873 Doubled Die Obverse Dime. The Gobrecht Jornal Vol #32, Issue 95. pp 23-25 |
Fey, M.S. Bonus Issue! Top 100 Insights & Value Guide Winter, 2006 #35. Welcome to the Revolution! 1878 7TF VAM 215 Unveiled. New 8TF Discovery! Mark Kimpton, M.D., new clashed die reference. A Comparison of the Top 100 Population. |
Fey M.S. Spring, 2006. The Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 8. Fun-Topics Winter Vol #51, No. 1, 2005
Fey, M.S. Bonus Issue! Top 100 Insights & Value Guide Fall, 2005 #34. GSA and Top 100 Coins. Pricing guide for MS and Circulated Non-CC GSA Silver Dollars. PCGS Grading Top 100 and Other Varieties. SSDC Call for FUN. |
Fey, M.S. Winter, 2006 Top 100 Insights & Value Guide #35 Bonus Issue! Welcome to the Revolution! A Comparison of Top 100 Coins in Population Reports from August 1996 to January, 2006. A Comparison of Select Top 100 Coins in Population Reports to Janury, 2006. A Reverse of Fortune (1878 Rev'79 Proof Only VAM 215). New 1878 8TF Discovery! New Clashed Die Reference. Spring 2006 Ultra Rarities Auction--Call for Consignments. |
Fey, M.S. 2006. The Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 3 of 10. National Silver Dollar Roundtable Journal. Winter, 2005. Volume XXIII No. 3 |
Fey, M.S. 2005. Use and Misuse of the Term Rarity in Numismatics. John Reich Journal Volume 17/Issue 1. December 2005 |
Fey M.S. Winter, 2005. The Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 7. Fun-Topics Winter Vol #50, No. 4, 2005
Fey, M.S. and L. Rosenbaum. Fall, 2005. Top 100 Insights & Value Guide. GSA and Top 100 Morgan dollars. GSA Price Guide for non-CC dollars. |
Fey, M.S. November, 2005. Coin of the Klondike. The Numismatist. Volume 118, Number 11. pp 50-52. |
Fey, M.S. Fall, 2005. A Visit to the Carson City Mint. Curry's Chronicle Journal of the Carson City Coin Collectors of America. |
Fey M.S. Summer, 2005. The Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 2. National Silver Dollar Roundtable Journal. Vol XXIII No. 2
Fey M.S. Fall, 2005. The Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 6. Fun-Topics Fall Vol #50, No. 3, 2005
Fey M.S. 2005. Secrets of the Advanced Morgan Dollar Collector. ANA National Convention, San Francisco, CA. Numsimatic Theatre Friday, July 29, 2005. |
Fey M.S. 2005. Where is Coin Collecting Going? ANA Spring Convention. Kansas City, MO |
Fey M.S. Spring, 2005. The Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 1. National Silver Dollar Roundtable Journal. Vol XXIII No. 1 |
Fey M.S. 2005. A New 1859 "9/9" One Cent Variety? The Canadian Numismatic Journal. |
Fey M.S. Summer, 2005. The Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 5. Fun-Topics Summer, 2005 |
Fey M.S. Summer, 2005. The Top 100 Condition Census. Spring, 2005 UR Auction Prices Realized |
Fey, M.S. 2005. Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 4 of 10. FUN-Topics. Spring, 2005 |
Fey M.S. Spring, 2005. Special: Counterfeit Micro "o" Varieties. Spring, 2005 Ultra Rarities Auction Catalog. |
Fey, M.S. 2005. Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 3 of 10. FUN-Topics. Winter 2005 |
Fey M.S. Winter, 2005. Real Tough Ones to Find! Spring, 2005 Ultra Rarities Auction. |
Fey, M.S. 2004. Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 2 of 10. FUN-Topics. Fall 2004 |
Fey M.S. & Larry Briggs. Fall, 2004. Fun with 1878-s Morgans by Larry Brings. The SSDC Top 50 Peace Dollar Value Guide. The 10 Most Wanted VAMS. |
Fey, M.S. & Rob Joyce. Spring, 2004. Fun with 1921-Denver Morgan Dollar Varieties Are Hot! Bonus Issue! 1921-D Variety Value Guide. Spring, 2004 Ultra Rarities Auction Catalog. |
Fey, M.S. 2004. Top 10 of the Top 100. Part 1 of 10. FUN-Topics. P 12. Summer 2004 |
Fey, M. April 26, 2004. Advanced Collecting of Morgan & Peace Dollars. Presented to the Trenton Numismatic Club, Trenton, NJ. |
Fey, M.S. March 4, 2004. Roxbury Coin Club Talk. How to Assemble a Great Collection of Coins. |
Fey, M. 2004. VAMs Go Public. Coin Collector’s Yearbook. CoinAge Magazine. |
Fey, M. 2004. Top Morgan Silver Dollar Varieties—Price Guide. Coin Collector’s Yearbook. CoinAge Magazine |
Fey, Michael S. 2003. A Rare 1903 Proof Liberty Nickel with a 180 Degree Rotated Die. Journal of the Barber Coin collectors’ Society Vol 14, #4 |
Mark Kimpton & M. Fey. Winter, 2004. Bonus Issue! New Perspectives on Clashed Dies by Mark Kimpton, M.D. Obverse and Reverse Morgan Dollar Overlays. Call for submissions: Spring, 2004 Ultra Rarities Auction. RCI |
Fey, M. Fall, 2003. Analyzing the Top 100 Pop. 1st Annual SSDC “VAM Thing”…You make my Heart Sing, Friday, January 4th, FUN, Orlando, FL. RCI |
Fey, M. Summer, 2003. Advanced Collecting of Morgan & Peace dollars. Prices Realized Spring, 2003 Ultra Rarities auction. Buying Common Top 100 coins in NGC/PCGS MS 62-64. Announcing 1st Annual SSDC “VAM THING!” at FUN January, 2004. RCI |
Fey, M. Spring, 2003. Bonus Issue! Rotates: Rotated Dies on Morgan & Peace Dollars. Desirable Regions for Rotated Dies Silver Dollars. Morgan & Peace Silver Dollar Rotated Dies Price Guide. Spring, 2003 Ultra Rarities Auction Catalog (520 lots). RCI |
Fey, M. Winter, 2003. Bonus Issue! Best of the Best 8TFS. Mystery Coin. New 8TF VAM 14.20. 2nd Binion Sale. Call for submissions: Spring, 2002 Ultra Rarities Auction. 1878 8TF Condition Census & Value Guide. SSDC Special Report on the 8TF VAM 14.20. RCI |
Fey, M. Fall, 2002. Bonus Issue! Best of the Best. Binion Records! New: 1921D VAM 1X, 1878S VAM 72 B1Reverse, 1878 7TF VAM 189, 1921 S Thorn Head; Top 100 Condition Census Survey; Update New Discoveries, 1879 s Rev ’78 Wang Update. RCI |
Fey, M. Summer, 2002. Bonus Issue! The Binion Hoard. All Top 100/Hot 50 Certified Binion VAMs PR’s Spring 2002. Consignment Fixed Price List. RCI |
Leroy Van Allen & M. Fey. Spring, 2002. Bonus Issue!. New Varieties! By Leroy Van Allen. New Top 50 Peace Dollar book by Jeff Oxman. Spring, 2002 Ultra Rarities Auction Catalog (170 lots). Confidential Wanted Checklist. RCI |
Fey, M. Winter, 2002. Bonus Issue! Insights on Grading Services. Update for 1879s Rev ’78 Morgan Silver Dollars. Armstrong Auction Prices Realized. Call for submissions: Spring, 2002 Ultra Rarities Auction. RCI |
Fey, M. Fall, 2001. Bonus Issue! Condition Census Coins. The new Top 100 Condition Census. Dave Wang’s new book. A record 800+ lot Terry Armstrong Signature Auction catalog. RCI |
Fey, M. Summer, 2001. Bonus Issue! Unveiling the 1879 s Rev ’78 Varieties by David Wang. The first 8TF Set Assembled! Update-Overlapping Reeding. Prices Realized Spring, 2001 Auction. Many more new Discoveries. RCI |
Bill Fivaz and M. Fey. Spring, 2001. Bonus Issue! Ah…Those Were The Days by Bill Fivaz. A New Class of Morgan Dollar Varieties. Spring, 20001 Ultra Rarities Auction (300+ lots; $100,000+ in rare Morgan dollars) RCI |
Fey, M. Winter, 2001. Bonus Issue! 4th Annual Top 100 Population Report. YN Wayne Allain Finds 8TF VAM 14-19 at FUN. More New Discoveries. Grading the Graders. RCI |
Fey, M. Summer, 2000. Secrets of Successful VAMing. A new Top 100 1900 o/cc VAM 7A with Die Chip on “9”. Over 50 new VAM discoveries! RCI |
Jeff Oxman & M. Fey. Fall, 2000. Special Guest Writer Jeff Oxman, “A Long Journey”--Insights into 8TFs and Top 100’s. RCI |
Fey, M. Spring, 2000. Bonus Issue! Top 100 Condition Census and Survey. First certified Proof/Presentation piece of the 1878 VAM 9 First Morgan graded by NGC. Leroy Van Allen VAM set graded by NGC. RCI |
Fey, M. Winter, 2000. Bonus Issue! 3rd Annual Top 100 Population Report. VAM Discovery Hall of Fame. New 1878s B1 Reverse, VAM 62. RCI |
Fey, M. Fall, 1999. 1921 Morgans Struck from Zerbe Dies. 36 New discoveries! RCI |
Fey, M. Summer, 1999. Bonus Issue! The Thrill of Discovery! Key Attribution Characteristics of the 1899 o Micro o VAMs, 4, 31, and 32. Supplement: Press Release Format. RCI |
Fey, M. Spring, 1999. Bonus Issue! Future of Top 100’s. NGC & ANACS Grading Census Reports. New 1888 o VAM 24 Oval O. Supplement: Three New VAM’s Discovered! RCI |
Fey, M. Winter, 1999 Bonus Issue! Oval O Morgans. A Quick Attribution Guide to the 1888 & 1889 Oval O Reverses; New 1888 Oval O! RCI |
Fey, M. Fall, 1998. Bonus Issue! 2nd Annual Top 100 Population Report. Announcing the Hot 50! New 8TF VAM 6 & VAM 14-19; New 1921 VAM 1C. RCI |
Fey, M. Summer, 1998. Ultra Rare Micro “o”s. New: Split Grade Value Guide. RCI |
Fey, M. Spring, 1998. Bonus Issue! A Quick Attribution Guide to 1878 s B1 Reverses; Two new 1878 s B1 reverses, VAMs 59 and 60! RCI |
Fey, M. Winter, 1998. Creme de la creme of Morgans. Insights into identifying Ultra Rare 8 TF Morgans. New 8TF Discovery VAM 14-15! RCI |
Fey, M. Fall, 1997. Bonus Issue. Analyzing the Population Reports; The Rarer Top 100s; New 1889 Barwing!; New 1900 Doubled Die Reverse! RCI |
Fey, M. Summer, 1997. The Premier Issue! Market Values; A New 1879 O/Horizontal O!; A New 1878 Tripled Blossoms Obverse! RCI |
Fey, M., & J. Oxman 1997. Top 100 Morgan dollar Varieties: The VAM Keys. RCI. |